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CameraView is the component that renders a preview of the device’s camera.


npx expo install expo-camera


In this example, users can take a photo which is then displayed in the app. The example app shows the viewfinder and taken picture in two different representations: base64 and local uri.

Import Camera and useCameraPermissions from expo-camera to your component. The useCameraPermissions is hook function to check or request permissions to access the camera.

import { Camera, useCameraPermissions } from 'expo-camera';

We use states to store photo data. We also have to create a ref to camera component using useRef hook. By using ref we can get access to camera component's methods.

We check the permission to access camera by using the useCameraPermissions hook and the permission state value is granted if user has granted the permission.

const [photoName, setPhotoName] = useState('');
const [photoBase64, setPhotoBase64] = useState('');
const [permission, requestPermission] = useCameraPermissions();

const camera = useRef(null);

In the return statement, we use conditional rendering. If the app has no permission to use camera we show a text 'No access to camera'. Otherwise camera, photo previews and button are rendered.

return (
<View style={styles.container}>
{permission === 'granted' ? (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<CameraView style={{ flex: 1, minWidth: "100%" }} ref={camera} />
<Button title="Take Photo" onPress={snap} />
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Image style={{ flex: 1 }} source={{ uri: photoName }} />
<Image style={{ flex: 1 }} source={{ uri: `data:image/jpg;base64,${photoBase64}` }} />
) : (
<Text>No access to camera</Text>

The Button component invokes a function called snap that takes a photo.

<Button title="Take Photo" onPress={snap} />

Below is the source code of the snap function. Camera’s takePictureAsync method returns an object with properties: uri, base64, width, height and exif. The base64 is string that contains JPEG data of the image (base64 encoded).

const snap = async () => {
if (camera) {
const photo = await camera.current.takePictureAsync({base64: true});

The local image URI is temporary. You can use EXPO FileSystem.copyAsync to make a permanent copy of the image.