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Mobile Programming Course

Welcome to Mobile Programming with React Native!

In this course, we'll be focusing on mobile development using React Native. Unlike our previous Front End Programming course, we won't be covering the basics of React, as we assume you're already familiar with them.

What You'll Learn

Throughout this course, you'll learn how to:

  • Set up your development environment for React Native.
  • Create and structure React Native components.
  • Navigate between screens and manage app navigation.
  • Work with data persistence.
  • Integrate external APIs and handle asynchronous operations.
  • Implement UI components and styles for mobile interfaces.
  • Utilize mobile device functionalities


As mentioned earlier, prior knowledge of React is required for this course. If you're not already familiar with React, we recommend taking our Front End Programming course first, where you'll get knowledge of React fundamentals.

Contribute to course material

We value your insights and contributions, and we invite you to actively participate in shaping the course content. Your contributions can make a significant impact on the overall quality of our material. Whether you've fin typo, have a suggestion for clarification, or want to add valuable content, we welcome your input!

Reporting Issues: Noticed a typo, unclear explanation, or have a question about the content? Open an issue on GitHub to bring it to our attention. Github repo link: