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JavaScript Modules

Before we start to create React projects, it is important to understand how JavaScript modules works.

  • Scripts can be split into several files using modules. A module can provide classes, library functions, and variables for other modules to use.
  • There are several different JavaScript module systems. In React programming, we use ES6 modules.
  • CommonJS modules are imported using require-function. It is the default in Node.js even though ES6 modules are supported too.
  • In brief
    • A module is simply a JavaScript file.
    • A module exports the variables and functions that it offers to be used outside the file.
    • Another module that uses the services of another module imports them from the module.

JavaScript modules / Export

Named export

  • You can export an identifier by adding the keyword export in front of the declaration. This is so called named export, and module can have multiple named exports. Named exports are useful for exporting variables and functions.
export const myPi = 3.14;

export function circleArea(r) {
return myPi*r*r;
  • Alternatively, you can export all the items you want to export in a single export statement at the end of your module file.
export { myPi, circleArea };
  • The exported items can be imported into other files. The imported features can be used just like they were defined inside the same file.
  • Note: imported variables are always considered const, no matter how they were declared.
import { myPi, circleArea } from './mylib.js';

console.log('The value of pi is', myPi);

Default export

  • Another way of exporting is to define a default export in the module. This is so called default export and you can have only one default export in module. In React, components are exported using the default export.
const myPi = 3.14;
const area = r => myPi * r * r;
const circumference = r => 2 * myPi * r;
export default { area, circumference }; // an object with two attributes
  • You can import the default like this:
import c from './mydefault.js' // default export is assigned to c


JavaScript modules / Import

  • You can import everything from a module by importing the module as an object. The exported items are accessible as properties of the module object.
import * as c from './mylib.js';
console.log('The value of pi is', c.myPi);

Further Reading