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For the course you need to do the following installations:

  1. Node.js ( Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime that allows you to execute JavaScript code on the server-side.
  • Install the latest LTS version
  • Verification: After the installation, check that Node and Npm were installed successfully by entering the following commands in the command line. You should see the installed version numbers.
node --version
npm --version
  1. VS Code ( Visual Studio Code is a lightweight, powerful code editor developed by Microsoft. We are using VS Code as our primary code editor throughout the course.
  • Install the latest version
  1. Git ( Git is a distributed version control system that allows you to track changes in your codebase. We will use Git for version control and to submit assignments.

Other recommended tools:

Postman ( Postman is API testing tool that can be used to development and testing of APIs. In our course, we will use Postman to interact with APIs, send requests, and inspect responses. You can also get Postman extension to VS Code (