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Welcome to the Front End Programming course! In this course, you will learn how to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. We will start with the basics of React and core concenpts of React. Then, we learn how to create and handle bigger React projects and utilize third-party React components. We will also cover the basics of testing React components and debugging React applications. The course ends to an individual front-end project, allowing you to demonstrate your skills.


  1. Basic HTML and CSS:
  • Understanding of HTML tags and structure.
  • Familiarity with CSS for styling web pages.
  1. JavaScript Fundamentals:
  • Variables and operators.
  • Functions, loops, and conditionals.
  • Basic understanding of ES6+
  1. Basic Command Line Usage:
  • Navigating directories.
  • Running scripts.
  1. Basic Git and GitHub:
  • Cloning repositories.
  • Committing changes.
  • Pushing to and pulling from remote repositories.